All work produced as part of the Alloy team in collaboration with the PepsiCo Design team in New York.
Tasked with identifying and crafting a comprehensive roadmap to unlock the opportunities surrounding water consumption, the partnership with the PepsiCo design team delved deep into the collective consciousness of individuals and communities and cultures worldwide.
The team at Alloy collected and analyzed vast amounts of data, exploring cultural nuances, consumer preferences, and emerging trends to paint a vivid picture of the future landscape for the Aquafina brand.

While research formed the backbone of this confidential undertaking, the partnership recognized that understanding consumer behavior and preferences would require a holistic approach. Ideation workshops served as catalysts for innovation, where cross-disciplinary teams harnessed the power of collective intelligence to generate bold ideas.
This collaborative spirit fostered an environment where creativity flourished, unearthing novel concepts and intellectual property that PepsiCo have added to their portfolio for a sustainable, enjoyable, and meaningful future.